Gestational Diabetes Diet

Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Diet Calculation

Height, cm
Age, years
Exercise level
Please, Enter all values correctly.
Weight Gain

Online health diet calculator, which helps women to calculate the BMI, IBW, ABW, BMR, Weight Gain, Calories needed during pregnancy period.

Gestational diabetes happens during the pregnancy period. This diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose levels and it has a number of characteristics that are different from other forms of diabetes and it is the result of hormonal changes that occur in all women during pregnancy.


Body Mass Index (BMI) = weight / (height * height)

Ideal Body Weight (IBW) = 45.5+(((height*0.393700787)-60)*2.3)

Adjusted Body Weight (ABW) = IBW + 0.4(actual weight – IBW)

Basal Metabolic Rate = 655.1 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) – (4.7 * age)

Calories = BMR * factor


Category Factor
None 1
Very little 1.2
1 – 3 days per week 1.375
3 – 5 days per week 1.55
6 days per week 1.725
Every day 1.9
BMI value Weight gain
<18.5 28-40 lbs
18.5-24.9 25-35 lbs
25.0-29.9 15-25 lbs
>30 11-20 lbs

A 27 year lady gets pregnant. She weighs 50kgs and her height is 175cm. She does exercises for 3 days per week. Find the calories, BMI, ABW, IBW, weight gain and BMR for her.


  • age = 27 years
  • height = 175 cm
  • weight = 50kgs

To Find,

BMI, IBW, ABW, BMR, Weight gain, Calories


Step 1:

Calculate BMI (Body Mass Index) from the given formula,

BMI = weight / (height x height)

BMI = 50 / (1.75 x 1.75)

BMI = 16.3

Step 2:

Calculate the IBW (Ideal Body Weight) during pregnancy period.

Ideal Body Weight (IBW) = 45.5+(((height x 0.393700787) – 60) x 2.3)
IBW = 45.5+(((175 x 0.393700787)-60) x 2.3)
= 45.5 + (68.8976 – 60) x 2.3
= 45.5 + (8.8976 x 2.3)
= 65.96

Step 3:

Calculate ABW (Adjusted Body Weight) (ABW) = IBW + 0.4(actual weight – IBW)

ABW = 65.96 + 0.4(50 – 65.96)
= 65.96 + 0.4(-15.96)
= 65.96 – 6.384
= 59.6

Step 4:

Calculate BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Basal Metabolic Rate = 655.1 + (9.6 x weight) + (1.8 x height) – (4.7 x age)

BMR = 655.1 + (9.6 x 50) + (1.8 x 175) – (4.7 x 27)
= 655.1 + 480 + 315 – 126.9
= 1323.2

Step 5:

Finally, let us learn how to calculate the Calories level during pregnancy gestational diet.

Calories = BMR x factor

Calories = 1323.2 x 1.55 = 2051