Safe Days Calendar

Calculator of Safe Days calendar

First day of your last menstrual period
Cycle Length
Menstruation duration
Please, Enter all values correctly.
01 - Menstruation days
02 - Conventionally safe days
03 - Ovulation
04 - Favorable day for conceiving a girl
05 - Favorable day for conceiving a boy
06 - Safe days to conceive

What Is The Safe Days Calendar Calculator?

When it comes to the safe days calendar calculator, this is a tool that every woman should know how to use and take full advantage of. In order to understand the menstrual cycle better, this calculator is used on a very large scale. Why did we select the name “Safe Days Calendar” though? It refers to the days when you will be safe from periods, and when is the right time to get pregnant!

Track Ovulation With The Safe Days Calendar

The Safe Days Calendar lets you calculate a lot of things and one of them is ovulation. This calculator lets you successfully know about your fertility window, making things a lot easier than before. Did you know that after sexual intercourse, sperm can live inside a woman’s body for a week? This whole process ends one day before ovulation, so you have to be careful.

In case you did not know, ovulation is when the egg is released from your ovaries. Ovulation also means the time when you are the most fertile.

 How To Use The Safe Days Calendar Calculator?

Using our safe days calendar calculator is very easy, just follow the steps that we have mentioned below.

Step 1: Enter The First Day Of Your Menstrual Period

Here, you have to enter the first day your last period began. This is also known as the first day of the menstrual period.

Step 2: Cycle Length

In this step, you have to enter the length of your menstrual cycle. Normally, a cycle lasts for 28 days. It can be longer or shorter than this. You can enter the average number of days here like 27 if you are unsure.

Step 3: Menstruation Duration

In the last step, you have to enter the duration of your menstruation period. Luckily, there are some women out there that experience bleeding for only 3 days while others can experience it for six or even seven days.

What Will Be The Results?

Once you enter all the required information correctly, you will be given a calendar showing the next 12 months and a variety of results. These will be the following results:

  • Menstruation Days: This shows the dates when you will be having your menstruation period.
  • Conventionally Safe Days: These are the dates when you are safe from the menstruation period.
  • Ovulation: This shows when ovulation starts.
  • Favorable Day For Conceiving A Girl: This shows the dates when it is the most favorable to conceive a girl.
  • Favorable Day For Conceiving A Boy: This shows the dates when it is the most favorable to conceive a boy.
  • Safe Days To Conceive: This shows the overall dates that are best for conceiving. This is when you are the most fertile.
